The Basics of Cohabitation Agreements
Many couples choose to live together before or instead of marriage. Marriage comes with a prescribed set of default laws. Cohabitation comes with its own set of legal and financial considerations, but very few rules to guide. That's where cohabitation...[Continue reading]
The Importance of Powers of Attorney for Unmarried Couples
Love knows no bounds, and in today's diverse world, couples often choose to live together without formalizing their commitment through marriage. While this choice is entirely personal, it comes with certain legal and financial implications that are often overlooked. One...[Continue reading]
Cohabitation agreements
Are you living with someone but not married? Cohabitation covers a wide range of situations, but the basic scenario is two people who are not married to each other living together. If you want to live with your significant other,...[Continue reading]
Powers of Attorney and Unmarried Couples
Unmarried couples have a special need for powers of attorney. I will explain that bold and incredibly controversial statement here. There are many types of powers of attorney. They all accomplish the same basic purpose – giving someone else the...[Continue reading]
Holidays can be stressful for everybody. They can be wonderful and joyous celebrations, but they can also involve lots of planning, preparation and possibly unrealistic expectations. Add the process of divorce or the loss of a loved one into the...[Continue reading]
Wills and Unmarried Couples
In many instances, it is even more important for unmarried couples to have Wills in place than it is for married couples. That’s because the state has developed a default estate plan for married individuals that includes their spouse. This...[Continue reading]
Family Law Issues and Unmarried Couples
Unmarried couples are, by definition, not married. So although they may act like married couples, live like married couples, have families like married couples, in some ways the court system treats them differently. Unmarried couples who end their relationship and...[Continue reading]
Do You Need a Cohabitation Agreement?
If you’re cohabitating (living with someone), you need a cohabitation agreement. That doesn’t mean the world will grind to a halt if you don’t have one, but you’re going into this arrangement without a clear understanding of what happens when...[Continue reading]