Why Should I have a Will?
Do you know what happens to your assets when you die without a will? Most people don’t. The state legislature has prepared a default estate plan for us in case we die without a will. Your assets will be passed...[Continue reading]
Do You Need a Cohabitation Agreement?
If you’re cohabitating (living with someone), you need a cohabitation agreement. That doesn’t mean the world will grind to a halt if you don’t have one, but you’re going into this arrangement without a clear understanding of what happens when...[Continue reading]
Why Worry About What My Spouse Needs
If you’re getting divorced, why should you worry about what your spouse (or soon to be ex-spouse) needs? Because it’s going to help you. That’s the self-centered answer. The more you can focus on meeting your spouse’s needs, the more...[Continue reading]
A Recent Project
I recently had the pleasure of creating a podcast with John Gavazzi, PsyD. John is a psychologist and we recorded the podcast for use by psychologists, but it has tremendous potential for non-psychologists also. Here are two different links to...[Continue reading]
Counseling and Divorce
I believe everyone going through a divorce should talk with a mental health professional. Psychologist, therapist, social worker, take your pick. I don’t think I’m overreacting. This is a huge, life-changing event and it’s different from other life-changing events, like...[Continue reading]
Midnuptial Agreements
What is a midnuptial agreement? It’s an agreement entered into in the middle of a marriage. A prenuptial agreement is before a marriage, a postnuptial agreement is after a marriage has ended and a midnuptial agreement is during a marriage....[Continue reading]
Using the Divorce Code
Why spend all the time and energy trying to reach a “fair” agreement of your own when you can just rely on the Divorce Code? I can give you a laundry list of reasons, but I only have so much...[Continue reading]
Don’t Pay Your Attorney for Non-legal Help
An alternative title for this post is “Asking Your Attorney to Help with Non-legal Matters is not a Good Use of Your Hard-earned Money.” Over the years, I’ve seen clients involve their attorneys (sometimes me) in situations that required no...[Continue reading]
Lawyers as Problem-Solvers
Lawyers have been called countless names over the years, many of which are unflattering. Family lawyers, or divorce lawyers, have some labels reserved specifically for them. Lawyers describe themselves in many different ways, also. Some want to be seen as...[Continue reading]
What to do with the House
One of the biggest financial decisions many divorcing couples must make is how to handle their house. The specifics of this issue can take many forms and they’re really important. Is there a mortgage on the house? How much is...[Continue reading]